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Analysis of My Marvelous Infographic :D

Writer's picture: Almira ZhantuyakovaAlmira Zhantuyakova

Updated: Feb 27, 2019

In this blog I will decipher my final infographic design and compare it with my draft in terms of Universal Principles of Design and context.


Since I startyed doing yoga(3 month) I noticed that I become more focused, concious of myself and calm. I wanted to make an infographic that could benefit someone and that’s why I wanted to share a thing that benefited me. Below you can find my final infographic.


The primary audience of this poster are people who are about healthy life style and had a thought of strating doing yoga or seeking to improve their “Emotional state “, “Physical health” or “Cardiac capacity”. The secondary audience are just anyone who have heart of yoga before. In terms of poster’s medium, the poster might be printed and hangt at yoga rooms, gyms or at universities with yoga clubs. Additionally, the poster might be posted in social media at yoga or healthy lifestyle related accounts. The purpose of my poster is to engage more people into practice of yoga and particularly sun salutation is one of the basic yoga practices. ("Writer/designer")

UPD Analysis

First to catch audiences attention I tried to make the effective entry point, by using big fonts, colors and some symbols associated with yoga. I chose saturated colors according to color principles of UPD, since the satureated colors attract attention. Complemetnting the topic of Sun Salnutation, I chose orange as background color. Orange is associated with sun and positivity, while different shades of light blue are asssociated with sky, clarity and calm.

The flower-like symbol in th middle also complements my background color choice. Along with attracting attention, this iconic representation of flower with complex ornaments may associated with India and indian culture, which is where woga come from. For more yoga advanced audience this serves as an archetype. This is a mandala, representation of the entire universe symbolizing harmony and unity in yoga culture, which yoga is all about.

In terms of the instructions part of my infographic, I used shaping by breaking down the complex behavior into smaller steps that can be easily perceived. To make the clear connection between each of the steps I used uniform connectedness through utilization of similar elements such as the man, colors and shape(circle). According to picture superiority effect I prioritized the pictures over text, while the texts were chunked into smaller for better perception. The rotational symmetry and closure helped me to put these steps into a circle, making it clear that these steps are continous and shall be repeated. I realized that people tend to clockwise direction (Gutenberg diagram), but I conciously made the steps going anticlockwise. The reason for that explained in “Recommendations I did not followed” section.

Uniform connectedness was used to connect the top and bottom: same background color and font style and size, so that audience can easily understand of what benefits am I talking about here. The inverted pyramid principle hellps to explain my positioning.The most important part, the title and question of the inforgraphic, are on the top. Then the answer to the question (of second importance) comes next. Finally, benefits(of third importance) are the additional reinforcement to perform this exercise. If one is captures, he/she can stop by and see in detail the instructions for salutation. I also used a picture superirority effect when pointing out benefits.

I made sure that legibility is strictly followed by making clear fonts, appropriated size, text blocks and color for texts and background. ("Universal Principals of Design")

Recommendations by Amandyk I followed:

  • Amandyk suggested to make the colors of top and bottom to be uniform to reinforce their similarity by uniform connectedness. So I made both top and bottom uniformly orange.

  • Amandyk suggested me to properly allign my pictures with instructions and the text, so that nothing is on top of each other now. He argued it with Aesthetic Usability Effect and Legibility.

Recommendations I did not followed:

  • Amandyk suggested to pub my images of steps clockwise according to Gutenberg diagram. However, I did not folowed his suggestion. Since the pictures I found were looking to the left and, for me by common sense, if one faces left the further steps shall be to the left. However, to avoid confusion I put numbers to descriptions of poses.


Book: "Universal Principals of Design" by William Lidwell, Kritina Holden and Jill Butler (p. 18- 202).

Book: "Writer/Designer" by Cheryl E Ball. Chapter (p. 36-43).


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